Served areas
- Greensboro, NC and surrounding areas
Highlights and features
- Drums
In-person drum lessons
$25.00 (30 minute session) for Beginner-Intermediate Students$50.00 (60 minute session) for Intermediate-Advanced Students Payment is collected monthly during the first session of the month.30 minute sessions are recommended to be scheduled weekly while 60 minute sessions can either be weekly or bi-weekly depending on the student's goals and learning style.

My mother always loved to remind me how, when I was just two years old, I used to grab the Tupperware out of the cabinet and a couple of wooden spoons and pretend I was playing drums-every day. I still don't know where my love for the drums came from, but that passion has been with me my entire life.
My parents were both musicians and, like many parents do, persuaded me at 8 years old to learn a "musical instrument" before I was allowed to pursue my journey in drumming. Even though it was frustrating at the time for me, and even though I'm sure it was partly motivated by their resistance to having a loud drum kit in the house (grin), I'm super grateful for their persistence with that course of action.
Why? Because I learned how to read music, understand the basic elements of music theory, and develop my musical ear before I ever touched a drumstick. In addition, this also helped me develop the discipline and patience that would prove to be quite useful in later years.
So at the ripe young age of 9, I finally got my first drum kit and started taking lessons. What I learned right away was that there was a whole lot more to this drumming stuff than I ever anticipated. Technique, rhythm, coordination, dexterity, and muscle development all eventually got in the way of the rock god of drumming that I envisioned myself to be.
Fortunately at the time we had a professional drummer temporarily living in our house who encouraged me and reminded me that I had chosen to embark on a journey that would take time, patience, and discipline to reach my goals. That was enough to get past the initial frustration and keep going, but there were many more obstacles along the way. If it hadn't been for the teachers, coaches and mentors in my life, I would have given up long before I ever got to see the stage.
Nearly 40 years later (wow), and after wearing the hats of drummer, band leader, husband, parent, CEO, and coach, I feel compelled to share what I've learned along the way. My passion now is helping others to develop and achieve their goals in the most effective and efficient way possible, while maintaining a sense of vitality in their pursuit. In other words, serving the person in front of me to help them "get there" AND make the "in-between time" more alive and fun.
My training has been both formal and informal, self-taught and others-taught, over the course of 4 decades of "life". Equally, for many years I've been fiercely committed to my own professional, spiritual, personal, and inter-personal development, which I feel is a potent path for any potential teacher/mentor/coach.
My parents were both musicians and, like many parents do, persuaded me at 8 years old to learn a "musical instrument" before I was allowed to pursue my journey in drumming. Even though it was frustrating at the time for me, and even though I'm sure it was partly motivated by their resistance to having a loud drum kit in the house (grin), I'm super grateful for their persistence with that course of action.
Why? Because I learned how to read music, understand the basic elements of music theory, and develop my musical ear before I ever touched a drumstick. In addition, this also helped me develop the discipline and patience that would prove to be quite useful in later years.
So at the ripe young age of 9, I finally got my first drum kit and started taking lessons. What I learned right away was that there was a whole lot more to this drumming stuff than I ever anticipated. Technique, rhythm, coordination, dexterity, and muscle development all eventually got in the way of the rock god of drumming that I envisioned myself to be.
Fortunately at the time we had a professional drummer temporarily living in our house who encouraged me and reminded me that I had chosen to embark on a journey that would take time, patience, and discipline to reach my goals. That was enough to get past the initial frustration and keep going, but there were many more obstacles along the way. If it hadn't been for the teachers, coaches and mentors in my life, I would have given up long before I ever got to see the stage.
Nearly 40 years later (wow), and after wearing the hats of drummer, band leader, husband, parent, CEO, and coach, I feel compelled to share what I've learned along the way. My passion now is helping others to develop and achieve their goals in the most effective and efficient way possible, while maintaining a sense of vitality in their pursuit. In other words, serving the person in front of me to help them "get there" AND make the "in-between time" more alive and fun.
My training has been both formal and informal, self-taught and others-taught, over the course of 4 decades of "life". Equally, for many years I've been fiercely committed to my own professional, spiritual, personal, and inter-personal development, which I feel is a potent path for any potential teacher/mentor/coach.
Aug 10, 2022
Aug 10, 2022
Aug 10, 2022
Aug 10, 2022
Aug 10, 2022
Musicians are notorious for not setting concrete goals in their practice routines or their musical project aspirations. Aaron not only has the creative understanding that musicians need to tap into for authentic expression, he also embodies the planning, structure and daily execution required to achieve and exceed musical goals while maintaining them over extended periods of time. He's a mentor and a friend that will get you there and keep you there!